
Appearance deals with the way we present ourselves. We should always remember that our first impression is a lasting impression. What ever our job title is we should dress the part, neat, clean, and well groomed. Not only should we dress the part , we should also mentally speak the part, use proper grammar and and good etiquette, our attitude should display a willingness to cooperate. According to the job, don't overdress or under dress.
1. People will judge you by your appearance, if you come in for a job interview not dressed appropriately, not neat, not using proper grammar, not looking like you really want the job, they will probably brush you off quickly.
2. Professionalism, efficiency, and protection.
- Be concise and to the point.
- Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions.
- Use proper spelling, grammar, & punctuation.
- Read email before you send it..
- Keep your language gender neutral.
Betty, you are right especially about speaking proper grammar does counts also. Because employers do not want to hire some one who does not speak proper grammar. Great Job!!